Saturday, June 8, 2024

My First Quilt Ever

This is the first quilt I have ever made. It took me about two weeks to complete. I will admit, it was a booger to work on. My hands were really hurting when I was putting this all together. Since I have RA, it really made it difficult more at certain times. But I didn't give up. I kept going and completed it. I love it. I have it on the back on my sofa and every time I see it, I am once again proud of myself. 

Now I say I won't do another one, but I am already thinking about making another one. A very dear friend couldn't believe I made it. I told her, oh yes I did....I think I might make one for her...we will see. 

It is a Poppy Hill quilt from On Wander Lane. 


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My First Quilt Ever

This is the first quilt I have ever made. It took me about two weeks to complete. I will admit, it was a booger to work on. My hands were re...